1. 施藥時間:110年08月22日(星期日)上 午 08:30 ~ 12:00下 午 13:00 ~ 17:00
    Time: August 22, 2021 (Sunday) 08:30 ~ 12:00 , 13:00 ~ 17:00 .
  2. 施藥範圍:學生第一、二、三宿舍各寢室及室內公共區域(含走廊、樓梯、公共浴廁、洗烘衣間及曬衣間等)。
    Location: First Student Dormitory, Second Student Dormitory, Third Student Dormitory and indoor public areas (including corridors, stairs, public toilets, laundry room and drying room).
  3. 防治項目:病菌細菌。
    Purpose: Disinfection.
  4. 防治用藥:二氧化氯2000ppm/ 稀釋10倍。
    Medication information: Chlorine dioxide 2000ppm/ diluted 10 times.
  5. 施作時及施作後應注意事項:
    Matters needing attention during and after application:

    • 此次消毒施作會進入每一間寢室,請暑住生於施作期間不要待在宿舍,並妥善保管好個人貴重物品
      This disinfection will enter every dormitory room, please do not stay in the dormitory during disinfection, and safekeep your personal valuables.
    • 由於病茵細茵消毒是屬空間噴灑,因此凡是怕潮濕的物品丶棉被枕頭以及筆電等電子器材請於施工前用塑膠袋裝好收好,否則若有因潮濕損傷概不負責。
      As the disinfection process uses spraying methods, please put your items in plastic bags and put away the items that are afraid of moisture, e.g. quilts, pillows, laptops and other electronic equipments. Otherwise, NFU will not be responsible for any damage.
    • 房間衣櫥、抽屜內部如需噴灑殺菌劑請主動打開,否則一律只做外部消毒。
      If you need to disinfect the interior of the room's wardrobe and drawer, please keep them open before disinfection.
    • 消毒後之餐具請清洗後再使用。
      Please clean the disinfected dining ware before use.
  6. 預防中毒及急救方法:
    Prevention of poisoning and first aid methods:
    • 用藥主要二氧化氯2000ppm,安定性佳。
      The main medication is chlorine dioxide 2000ppm, which has good stability.
    • 少數人有過敏型的症狀,如流淚、流鼻水丶刺激、喘鳴丶呼吸困難等症狀,遇此情況請立即將病人搬運至通風及乾淨處所,或是打開門窗保持室內通風。如症狀持續無改善,請向施作廠商索取藥劑資料並立即送醫。.
       A small number of people may have allergic symptoms, such as tearing, runny nose, irritation, wheezing, dyspnea, etc. In this case, please immediately move the patient to a ventilated and clean place, or open doors and windows to keep the room well ventilated. If the symptoms are not relieved, please go to hospital immediately.
    • 台北榮總毒物中心諮詢電話02-2871-2121。
      If you have more questions, please call this phone: Taipei Rongzong Poison Center's consultation ,02-2871-2121.
  7. 業者名稱:約書亞環保有限公司,電話: 05-5223383。
    This disinfection is served by Joshua Environmental Co., Ltd., phone number: 05-5223383

Office of Student Affairs Guidance and Counseling Section

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