Admission Eligibility for 2022 Graduation Concert and Main Ceremony.


活動時間 Time:
►►畢業晚會 Concert
111/05/27(五)17:00開始進場 Start entry at 17:00 on 27 May 2022.
►►畢業典禮 Main Ceremony
111/05/28(六)13:30開始進場 Start entry at 13:30 on 28 May 2022.


活動地點 Venue:
經國館2F楓木球場 Stadium 2F Maple Court.


►►畢業晚會 Concert
虎科大在校生(應屆畢業生優先入場) NFU enrolled student (Priority admission for Graduating Students).
►►畢業典禮 Ceremony
虎科大應屆畢業生 Graduating Students of NFU


★The stadium is limited to 750 people and can be adjusted at any time in response to the epidemic.


入場資格Admission Eligibility:
1. 施打過三劑疫苗,且第三劑需在5/12前施打完畢。
    Three doses of vaccine, and the third dose needs to be vaccinated before 12 May.
2. 已下載台灣社交距離APP。
    Downloaded Taiwan Social Distancing APP.
3. 攜帶著學生證。
    Bring your student ID card.


1. 當天進場必須配合所有防疫規範。
    Entering the venue on the day must comply with all epidemic prevention regulations.
2. 當天所有表單請都填寫完畢。
    Please complete all required forms on the day.
3. 當天需帶已施打疫苗證明(小黃卡、健保卡、數位證明皆可)。
    On the day, you need to bring the proof of vaccination (small yellow card, health insurance card, digital certificate and so on).
4. 額溫超過37℃者禁止入內。
    Those whose forehead temperature exceeds 37°C are not allowed to enter.
5. 經國館禁止攜帶飲食相關物品進入場內,活動場內全面禁止飲食。
    It is forbidden to bring food-related items into the venue through the Stadium, and food and beverages are completely prohibited in the event venue.
6. 入座後不得隨意更換位置。
    Once seated, you may not change positions at will.
7. 本校得因應疫情,有權更改活動。
    NFU have the right to change the activities due to the epidemic.


特別提醒 Special Reminder:

If you are one of the following categories,

1. 確診者 Confirmed Case. (7+7 days)
2. 入境者 Just Arrival to Taiwan. (7+7 days)
3. 密切接觸者 Close Contact. (3+4 days、0+7 days)
4. 自主健康管理 Self-Health Management.
5. 自我健康監測 Self-Health Monitoring.
6. 自主應變對象-防疫假 Self-initiated responsive measures with epidemic leave. (3 days)

Please abide by the NFU's epidemic prevention measures, "DO NOT COME TO CAMPUS". Thank you for your cooperation.

►►畢業晚會、畢業典禮入場防疫宣導⇲⇲ https://youtu.be/ay0DTuL03mE 

►►畢業典禮網頁專區⇲⇲ https://nfugraduation.weebly.com/
►►畢業生聯合會FACEBOOK ⇲⇲ https://reurl.cc/7DRzab
►►畢業生聯合會INSTAGRAM⇲⇲ https://www.instagram.com/nfu_gsa/

►►111級畢業祝福影片⇲⇲ https://youtu.be/JMTKCB15sgs
►►111級畢業生自創曲【關於我們】MV⇲⇲ https://youtu.be/UwI4w6FNeXI


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